Use of this website constitutes your acceptance of the terms below. Our privacy notice is located below the legal disclaimer.
The materials located on this website are for general informational purposes only and shall neither constitute legal advice nor an agreement for legal services. It is the goal of this website to provide accurate information, but since laws change frequently and may become out of date, we cannot guarantee that the information provided herein is accurate or appropriate for an individual's specific situation. Any visitors to this website should, therefore, obtain professional advice from licensed legal counsel in his/her state before acting on any of the information contained in this website. External websites linked to this website are subject to their own terms of use. Linking of websites does not imply endorsement by the firm.
Under no circumstances does use of this website establish or create, directly or indirectly, an attorney-client relationship between you and the firm. The firm is available for consultation regarding legal matters; however, the act of sending electronic mail or making an online contact, asking a question, and/or scheduling a consultation does not create an attorney-client relationship. The firm is under no obligation to respond to your messages, and if such response is given, that alone does not create an attorney-client relationship. The attorney-client privilege will not protect your message, as you do not have an attorney-client relationship with the firm solely as a result of your initial inquiry. If the firm and you agree to enter into an attorney-client relationship, you will be required to sign a written agreement letter which the firm will provide to you. The engagement letter will describe the matter upon which you initially engage this firm. You will be charged for professional services and advice pursuant to the Retainer Agreement.
Because of the inherent properties of Internet transmissions, this law firm cannot guarantee the confidentiality of e-mail and/or Online Contact Form submissions. Please do not send any confidential information via email or the Online Contact Form.
This website may be considered an attorney advertisement. The facts and the circumstances of each case are different and results may not be typical. Past results are not a guarantee of future outcomes.
We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all of our clients and website visitors. The firm may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:
- Information that we receive from you; and
- Information learned in the course of our representation of you.
The firm does not disclose any public or non-public personal information about our clients, former clients, and/or website contacts to anyone, except as required by law.
If you have any questions about the disclaimer and/or our privacy policies, please call 303-830-8911